Dear Clients, Partners and Supporters of Continuum,

Today marks the first anniversary of our (soft) launch where we announced to the (LinkedIn) world that Continuum was a thing and website went live.

The reason I say soft was in reality I was still working in a hybrid role with my former employer (Lockton) while attempting to build something new, niche and independent. That relationship ended in May, and I fully appreciate the support Lockton gave me during the past year. We remain on good terms.

Over the past year the key priority has been putting in place the core building blocks of the business in order for us to fulfil our mission and future growth trajectory.  These have included:

  1. Licenced Partners – putting in place agreements with licenced brokers that allow us to service clients in line with respective regulatory requirements.
  2. Technology – working on building out our client portal which will make it easier for businesses to apply to purchase the policies we provide advice and education on. This will eventually connect with the relevant licenced broker to source the most competitive coverage in the market offering a unique and seamless client experience.
  3. Education – providing thought leadership, tips and advice about risk and insurance via our Resources page and sharing these with our clients and partners on LinkedIn and via our monthly newsletters.
  4. Partnerships – developing strong partnerships both building on our existing relationships with insurers/reinsurers, convincing them to learn more about emerging tech exposures and the opportunities around Web 3.0 and forming new partnerships in the industry including other services providers who are also supporting the tech community in Asia.
  5. Clients – most importantly supporting our clients as their business requirements change whether positively or negatively. Helping them navigate the (sometimes) complex area of corporate insurance and advising on market changes.

We have also been out and about trying to build our brand and provide risk education. We’ve supported key events in the Asian tech sector like Money20/20 and TechSauce, where we had the chance to connect with amazing people, share our ideas, and deepen our understanding of the evolving tech landscape whilst educating businesses on the importance of risk management. In the next few months, we will be at Token 2049, HK Fintech Festival and Singapore Fintech Festival.

Like any startup or entrepreneur will tell you, the journey is always bumpy and the idea you had to start off with will also change and morph into something different from the original. This is to some extent true for Continuum as we pass the one-year mark but what we have also learnt is that is important to have faith in your vision and keep doing what you do best without getting distracted by different opportunities or paths.

At Continuum we have faith in our mission to:

Thank you to the client and partners that have placed their trust in us so far. We’re grateful for your support and excited for what’s ahead. As we continue on this journey, we promise to keep doing what we do best—providing valued advice and supporting you to help you navigate the challenges and opportunities in this ever-changing world of web 3.0 and emerging technology. Here’s to many more milestones together!

Your sincerely

Rob Russell

Founder & Director
