Web 3.0, the next frontier of the internet, brings significant advancements in decentralization, blockchain, and user control. However, it also creates misconceptions, especially regarding insurance. In this article, we’ll debunk some of the most common myths about Web 3.0 insurance and show how Continuum’s solutions tackle these challenges.

Myth 1: Web 3.0 Projects Don’t Need Insurance

Reality: Many believe decentralized projects are inherently secure and don’t need traditional risk management, including insurance. While decentralization enhances security, it doesn’t eliminate risks. Smart contract vulnerabilities, protocol exploits, and regulatory uncertainties still pose significant threats.

Continuum’s Solution: Continuum provides insurance solutions tailored to the unique risks of decentralized projects. From cyberattack coverage to protection against operational disruptions, Continuum helps Web 3.0 companies reduce potential losses and safeguard their operations. We also provide onchain discretionary cover through Nexus Mutual.

Myth 2: Traditional Insurance Covers Web 3.0 Risks

Reality: Some entrepreneurs may assume their traditional business insurance will cover blockchain-related risks. However, most conventional policies don’t address Web 3.0 complexities, leaving companies vulnerable to cyber threats, regulatory fines, and smart contract failures.

Continuum’s Solution: Continuum offers next-gen insurance designed for Web 3.0. Whether you need smart contract insurance, digital asset coverage, or policies for decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, Continuum ensures your company is protected against the unique risks of this space. We also help companies who buy traditional insurance policies to check for Web 3.0 exclusions.

Myth 3: Insurance Is Too Expensive for Startups in Web 3.0

Reality: Startups often think comprehensive insurance is out of reach due to high costs. However, without insurance, companies face greater financial risks, including losses from security breaches or legal issues.

Continuum’s Solution: Continuum offers scalable insurance solutions to meet the needs of startups. We provide options for different budgets and growth stages. By integrating risk management strategies, Continuum helps businesses minimize claims and reduce overall costs.

Myth 4: Self-Insurance Is Sufficient for Decentralized Projects

Reality: Some projects believe they can self-insure by setting aside funds for potential losses. However, this approach can be risky, especially for projects managing large sums of digital assets or complex smart contract systems. A single exploit could wipe out these funds.

Continuum’s Solution: Instead of relying solely on self-insurance, decentralized projects can benefit from Continuum’s comprehensive insurance. Our policies, including liability coverage and cyberattack response, protect projects from the unpredictable risks in the Web 3.0 space. We can also work with companies who wish to got the structured self-insurance (i.e. captive insurance) route by providing reinsurance and captive consulting 

Myth 5: Web 3.0 Insurance Isn’t Evolving Fast Enough

Reality: As Web 3.0 evolves, so do its risks. Some worry that insurance solutions can’t keep up with the technology. However, the insurance industry is tryimg to adapting quickly to decentralized technology and blockchain innovations.

Continuum’s Solution: Continuum stays ahead of these changes by constantly updating our offerings to reflect the latest trends in Web 3.0. Whether you face emerging risks in DeFi, NFTs, or DAO governance, our insurance solutions keep pace with the ever-changing decentralized web.


Web 3.0 is revolutionizing the digital world, but it comes with new risks and challenges. By debunking these myths, companies can better understand the importance of specialized insurance. Continuum’s solutions ensure that businesses, from startups to established enterprises, have the protection they need to thrive in the Web 3.0 era.